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Watercolor Painting Process
Sketch PhaseHere is where the image is sketched on paper. | Highlight LayerAdding the first layer of paint. You go from light to dark. | Begin Adding Deeper TonesBeginning to add the mid tones to the painting. |
Adding ShadowsAdding deeper shadowing to get definition. | Adding First Layers to JockeyNow laying in the base colors for the jockey and racing equipment. | Finalizing the ImageAll highlights and shadows finished for base images of the painting. |
Bleed the PaintUsing water, dampen the painting and let the paint run. | Paint Running LayerIntentionally add runs of paint. | First Splatter LayerAdding paint splatter to the image. |
Final Splatter LayerAdding the last layer of splatter. | Peeling LayerPeeling the masking fluid off of the painting. | Sketch LayerSketching on top of painting to finish the piece. |
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